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Antidepressant Medication Research

What Is Antidepressant Medication Research and Where Is It Heading?

The main focus of most antidepressant medication research is how to counter the various side effects that these medications cause. Besides that, the research also wants to discover how these side effects work and which medications give the best results when taken. It has been known that side effects occur because the client's body produces resistance to the actions of the drugs, thereby sending signals to the brain through the neurotransmitters that affect serotonin and norephinephrine.

Antidepressant medication research has also found out that most of these antidepressants' effectively starts after several days or weeks at a time because studies have shown that the body's brain adapts slowly to the effects these medications want to achieve. Another research is to discover how these antidepressants will achieve the long term effects of these drugs and how to combat any side effects that may arise. Discovery on how antidepressants function when taken into the body will be a big help in finding out what actions to take to lessen side effects and to know which antidepressants will give the most benefits versus the side effects that it may produce.

Another antidepressant medication research gears on the possibility of multiple medications that will treat depression and anxiety disorder jointly. Anxiety disorders consist of but not limited to post traumatic stress disorders, societal withdrawal, and panic disorders. It has been known that anxiety disorders are the reasons why an increased number of suicidal attempts occur. Some antidepressant research is directed to learning the various effects of SSRIs antidepressants and how these medications affect suicide attempts in patients taking them. Some studies have shown that SSRIs such as fluoxatine, sertraline, and escitalopram have affected suicidal tendencies mostly in children and adolescents.

Antidepressant medication research was able to discover that when children undergo antidepressant medication therapy, their suicidal tendencies lessen. Additionally, herbal medication such as St. John's wort and hypericum has been proven effective in decreasing depression by this antidepressant research.


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