Varieties Of Drugs - Analgesics, Anesthetics, And Antibiotics
ANALGESICS:- Analgesics are the drugs used to kill pain. They induce condition of near unconsciousness with the brain's interpretation of the signals. They may produce habit formation and tolerance. There are basically two kinds of analgesics. They are 1. Non-narcotics and 2. Narcotics. The best example for Non-narcotics analgesics is acetaminophen and for Narcotics analgesics is Morphine.
Some of the drugs of non-narcotic drugs reduce fever, pain and inflammation in joint disorders. These agents are not steroid harmones and are known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Examples of nonsteroidal antiflammatory drug are libuprofen (Motrin, Advil) and naproxen (Naprosen).
ANESTHETICS:- An anesthetic is an agent that reduces or eliminates sensation. If the affect is on the whole body then it is said to be general anesthetic or if the effect is on the particular region then it is said to be local anesthetic.
Generally these anesthetics are used for surgical procedures and depress the activity of the central nervous system, producing loss of consciousness. i.e, in general these anesthetics are used to create numbness in the body wherever we want. Local anesthetics inhibit the conduction of impulses in sensory nerves in the region in which they are injected or applied.
Examples of general anesthetics are ether-hatothane (Fluothane), oxide-thiopental (Pentothal) and local anesthetics are hydrocortisone acetate (Orabase), lidocaine (Xylocaine).
ANTIBIOTICS:- A chemical substance produced by a microorganism that inhibits or stops the growth of bacteria, fungi or parasites is said to be antibiotics. Example for microorganism are bacterium, yeast or mold). These antibiotics are largely used to control many diseases such as rheumatic fever, pneumonia, malaria, dengue etc. Pencillin was the first antibiotic used in the year 1945. The use of antibiotics is warranted because they are some powerful agents. Pathogenic organisms can develop resistance to the antibiotic and thus destroy the disease. Thus antibiotics are having the capacity of disease-fighting capability
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