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How to Prevent Osteoporosis

Nearly 45 million people have osteoporosis; therefore, it is relevant for everyone to learn how to prevent osteoporosis. Firstly, for those that are not aware, osteoporosis is a bone condition in which a massive amount of the bone density and formation is loss, causing the bones to become extremely fragile. If osteoporosis is not properly diagnosed and treated, it can lead to a number of other medical conditions. Out of those nearly 45 million people that have osteoporosis, there are a lot of common denominators that statistics have shown to be a factoring cause as to why a person may be diagnosed with osteoporosis.

One of the osteoporosis causes seems to be linked to those who have a small shape. The osteoporosis causes seem to aim a vulnerability to those that are more prone to having fragile bones, and this is commonly attributed to a person's physical makeup. One of the ways as to how to prevent osteoporosis if you have a small frame is to stay active and stay in shape. If looking for ways as to how to prevent osteoporosis and you have a small frame, you can still keep your shape if desired, but in the meantime, you can exercise your bones to ensure that they are or remain strengthened.

Another of the osteoporosis causes is cigarette smoking. If you are looking for ways as to how to prevent osteoporosis and you smoke cigarettes, one of the things that you can do is to stop smoking. For some people, this is not something that just happens over night, but this is something that can definitely be worked towards.

Osteoporosis may also be caused by drinking alcohol excessively. One of the osteoporosis may not be as avoidable. There are a number of people that state that their osteoporosis stems from genetics. When osteoporosis causes are genetic, people may not know how to prevent osteoporosis. The best rule of thumb is health care program, if it is known that genetics may be one of the osteoporosis causes that you have to worry about, to get tested for osteoporosis as frequently as possible. In the meantime, it is always wise to take those steps to always be working towards the prevention of osteoporosis.

One of the ways as to how to prevent is to always maintain eating a balanced diet. With that balanced diet, it is important to have the adequate amount of Vitamin D and calcium intake. A part of the healthy living techniques is to exercise. It is important to exercise the entire body, rather than just the desired areas that you specifically would like to work on Breast Cancer Society. Just as there are some medications that serve as, there are also some medications that can work to prevent osteoporosis. If there is a need for the intake of such medication, your physician will prescribe this to you after testing to determine whether or not you are at risk for osteoporosis.

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Some Facts About Herpes

For most people the word "herpes" evokes an image of genital herpes, the incurable virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and causes blisters on the genitals. But herpes is actually a family of viruses that is extremely widespread and can cause a number of conditions that affect the skin, mouth, eyes, brain or, in rare cases, the entire body.

Some estimates suggest that the greatest number of 1 to May 6 people exercise some form of the herpes virus in their body, whether active or inactive.

The forms of herpes viruses including herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores), herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes), varicella (chickenpox), cytomegalovirus (mild hepatitis), viruses d 'Epstein-Barr (mononucleosis) and herpes zoster (shingles). All these conditions are caused by viruses in the herpes family.

Two similar conditions, Herpes Gestationis and dermatitis herpetiformis, both produce herpes type blisters on the skin, but which are not related to or caused by one of several herpes viruses.

Many diseases that are caused by the herpes virus May are very different from each other, but they all share some common traits:

They are usually highly contagious.

The virus can survive in latent for long periods of time after initial infection.

They are not curable. (However, there are effective treatments that can make the virus dormant, even in genital herpes) According to estimates, nearly 30 million Americans are infected with herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and despite numerous studies over the years, there has been little success in developing a cure or effective vaccine.

Most herpes virus in the family did not recur after the first outbreak, such as chickenpox, for example. But all herpes viruses when they are not active, which remain dormant in your body, hidden in nerve tissue and avoid detection by the immune system.

He was not sure exactly how and why a latent herpes virus outbreak in a sudden active infection, but it is known that some stresses the immune system appear to bear on an outbreak. These May stresses that lead to outbreaks of disease, injury, emotional stress, poor diet, over exposure to sunlight, and even the rules.

An immune system appears to reduce the recurrence of outbreaks, although outbreaks continue May to life. Studies show that chickenpox and shingles have a recurrence of nearly zero while HSV-1 has a recurrence rate of 14 per cent and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) has a recurrence rate of 60 percent.

It is HSV-2 that most commonly causes genital infections, and HSV-1 that most cases of infection causes lips, but the two viruses can be transmitted from one place to another.

Studies have also shown that herpes lesions can also provide input for other infections. Women who have herpes virus May have an increased risk of cancer of the cervix and it is important that women who took the herpes to have a smear cervical test (test Pap) every one or two years.

Whether you have been diagnosed with some form of herpes or not, practicing common sense prevention can go a long way in the fight against the spread of herpes. For example, avoid kissing people who currently have wounds on their lips or mouth. Always practice safe sex in monogamous relationships and avoid sexual contact with a partner who presents symptoms of an outbreak of active genital herpes until symptoms have disappeared. While most but not all, male genital herpes outbreaks are easily detected, female genital herpes outbreaks may go completely unnoticed many times. In fact, many women with genital herpes do not realize they have contracted the virus until they have passed to a partner.

The use of a condom May or May not prevent the spread of herpes virus one partner to another, if one partner has a home asset or not; Thus, while the use of condoms May be better than no protection at all, you must be aware that even condoms are not 100% effective in protecting against transmission of the herpes virus.

If you have a history of herpes, avoid overtired or allow yourself to work. When you're tired, your immune system can not work together, you May and be more vulnerable to a recurrence of herpes.

If you suspect you may have some form of the herpes virus or if you have a partner who has herpes, please see your health care provider for diagnosis and medical advisor.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss is measured as a very dangerous impairment that can affect the inner ear nerves. Thus if you are unable to recommend with the right type of treatment within desired time frame then it is definite that the condition might get worse with time. You also need to keep in mind that acute sensorineural hearing loss can offer with life time damage to your internal ear resulting in permanent hearing loss.

The state can affect people of any age group and in current time you absolutely might find a number of cases for sensorineural hearing loss in children. The circumstance gets worse with your age if left untreated and can also affect the hearing power completely. Apart from this you also need to keep in mind that the condition can affect the quality of sound that your ears receive making it almost impossible for you to understand what others are speaking to you. The accurate sensorineural hearing loss meaning is not easy to state but the condition affects different people in a different manner.

In general people who are exposed to loud sounds for longer periods of time suffer from this circumstance. Apart from this there are a number of other reasons that can lead to Sensorineural Hearing Loss Definition Exposure to loud noise is just one of the causes but the condition can as well be measured as genetic. Apart from this there are a number of other conditions that can as well result to sensorineural hearing loss in children including mumps, measles, Chlamydia and meningitis. There are a number of specialists around the world who claim that a number of medications can also lead to sensorineural hearing loss in individuals. You have to keep in mind that in most cases this state certainly leads to permanent hearing loss even if it affects younger children's.

Apart from this there are different sorts of infections of central ear that can lead to this situation including forming of excess amount of wax and glue in the ear canal. Sensorineural hearing loss is also very much general in children due to the spoiled ear drum or any type of ear infection that is just not treated within the desired time limit. Serious kinds of ear or skull injury can also lead to Ssensorineural Hearing Loss in Children .

The moment you sense that your child is suffering from any such situation then it is recommended to try and consult the best physician who can help to recommend with right type of treatment. You need to keep in mind that sensorineural sensorineural Hearing Loss is a serious condition but if treated on time then it can be rectified. Different types of ear drops and medications are available in the stores that can help you rectify this situation within short time.

What is Epilepsy And how To Treat It

Typically Epilepsy is a persistent neurological disorder typified by recurring seizures. An epileptic seizure more commonly called a fit can be explained as a passing indication of ‘abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity of the brain". Some of the effects can range from dramatic thrashing to mild and sometimes even unobserved, very short periods of loss of memory.

These fits can sometimes cause changes in the body movement, functions, feelings of awareness etc. Lamictal is one of those drugs that is exclusively used to arrest epileptic seizures. It belongs to a category of drugs known as phenyltriazine. There are studies that show that Lamictal in conjugation with other epileptic drugs can effectively reduce attacks of fits and also helps in enhancing the time period between them.

One vital point to remember is that Lamictal is not a cure for epilepsy, but it can help control seizures so long as you are on this drug. Make certain that you are in regular touch with your doctor when you are on Lamictal especially when you start off on this medication, as these visits to the doctor will give him an idea of how well it is affecting your condition. It will also help him to know whether you need to be prescribed a higher dose or lower the dose if you have any severe side effects.

Do not stop taking this medication without informing your doctor, because suddenly discontinuing it can affect you adversely, making you experience withdrawal symptoms. You need to be weaned off this drug only gradually.

Lamictal is said to increase the effects of alcoholic drinks, so it would be best if you abstained from drinking alcohol when you are taking Lamictal. Side effects of Lamictal are generally blurred vision, so check with the doctor if you feel that your eyes sight is not too clear or you have double vision.

Lamictal is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at a Canadian pharmacy, as you can save a lot of time and money. You can click here to buy Lamictal

Health Care Tips to improve Digestive System

Digestive system is one of the most important systems of your body which ensures the well working of other systems as well and if you don't give proper attention towards the digestive health you can get into some serious problems.

Digestive SystemThe digestive system is one of the most beautifully designed body system designed by nature and you can get a glimpse of it by assuming a tissue that is as big as floor plan of you house and it has been folded in a thirty feet long and 3 inch wide tube.
Read more on Digestive Health Care and Digestive Health Tips. Also visit on Digestive Health from

Fruits are rich in soluble fiber, the kind that is known to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Apples, pears and raspberries are among the best fruits to eat in terms of fiber; each serving getting you about 4 to 5 grams.

Make friends with bacteria: Whether it's from regular yogurt, soy yogurt or fermented vegetables like sauerkraut, eating foods rich in friendly bacteria called probiotics can help to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Discover hidden allergies and intolerances: Get to know your body and see how it reacts to certain foods. Eating foods that you're allergic or intolerant to can irritate your digestive tract and lead to a leaky gut syndrome. Blood tests and exclusion diets are a popular way to discover foods that can be problematic for you.

Not only is it good to detox naturally and to soften fiber, water also prevents constipation. Make sure that you drink about 8 glasses of water daily.

Dietary fiber plays a very important role in the development of a good and healthy digestive system so keep a habit to have the foods containing these fibers like salads, grains etc.

Try to avoid the foods that have bad effects on the digestive track like alcohol, coffee, chocolates and fatty plus fried food. Remember excess of any such food has a drastically bad effect on your health of digestive system thus on the whole body functioning a well.

Many medications are available for the digestive system's problems but don't try to go for them yourself but consult a doctor so that he prescribes you the one according to your body's needs and if you get some side effects instantly tell your doctor.
Don't go severe dieting plans that demand no food intake for most of the day because apart from making you thin it will make you too weak to perform your daily routine activities.

Fatty, fried and highly processed foods are harder to break down and don't deliver nearly enough nutrients to keep the body healthy. The more fresh foods you eat, from meat and cheese to vegetables and fruits, the better the digestive system will function.

Eating smaller meals more frequently is better for the digestive system, as is taking your time when eating. Stick to foods that are high in fiber and nutrients. Food with probiotics, such as cottage cheese or yogurt, also put good bacteria into your system, helping the intestines to work better. Raw foods, such as veggies and nuts, also aid in digestion and nutrient absorption.
The old adage to chew your food 30 times really is true. The saliva of the mouth contains enzymes that break down the food as it is chewed, making it easier for the stomach to digest. While people don't necessarily need to count chews, chewing thoroughly is a good digestive health habit to develop.

Liquids aid the digestive process and help prevent constipation as well. Avoid liquids that are overly processed, such as soda or artificial fruit juices. Stick to pure water, natural juices and herbal teas for the best results.

Smoking does have a direct effect on digestion, including contributing to heartburn, ulcers and constipation. Alcohol is a toxin and concentrates in the stomach, causing irritation and inflammation. Smoking and alcohol can also exacerbate digestive diseases.

Stop smoking with hypnotherapy

One of the very most difficult things to do in life will be to give up smoking. Just the idea of stopping can be hugely overwhelming to many people. This is as a result of bad experience trying to give up in the past, seeing how difficult it is for others to quit or fear that you will become a different person without cigarettes. But, with a little helping hand from hypnotherapy you can gain mental strength and resistance against your cravings and stand a much greater chance of quitting.

This quick article will talk about the use of hypnosis to stop smoking. Smoking is infamously difficult to stop, lots of people have trouble with the cravings, and just the habit of smoking and gratification of cigarette smoking. Nevertheless, after some help from self-hypnosis things can be made easier.

Stop smoking hypnosis can be used by everyone, so long as the constructive and pro-active plan is there - i.e. you will need to really want to quit, self-hypnosis can not be forced upon someone, nor can it be used as an effortless tool - you still really need to want to change and put in some work yourself.

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When used properly though, hypnotherapy can be a more organic approach to quit versus use of products such as nicotine patches , though it may be beneficial to some people to combine them.

How it Helps

Using hypnosis will help you in a few different ways:

Primarily it will help by boosting your self-discipline and mental strength. It will help keep you strong against urges. This is the main benefit people use hypnosis for - to gain that advantage and that mental edge. Because of this it can be used as an "emergency" tool to make use of whenever you feel tempted

It helps you to stay realistic, and to actually think different about smoking cigarettes. Other than thinking of the rewards, or enjoyment of having a cigarette you will learn to think more about the health effects, and the negatives of smoking. The more you tweak your thinking in this way the easier it will be to quit.

Hypnosis also has a cumulative effect. The more you listen the more benefit you will get as the hypnotic suggestions penetrate deep into your mind, build and build, and change the way you think, feel and act on a deeper level.

By using a hypnotic approach, alongside a real drive to quit you will find quitting much easier.

The Need for a Diabetic Diet Plan

A diabetes menu planner is very important for people with Type 2 diabetes. That is because Mediterranean Food Pyramid the foods they eat to be as healthy as possible. The food you eat has a direct impact on your blood glucose, body fat, and overall health. That is why it is so important for diabetics to create a realistic diabetes diet plan. Insulin-resistant people have special Diabetes Diet and Food.

As a Type 2 diabetic, you need to be careful about the excess fat on your body. But, more importantly you need to be careful about the amount of sugar (from sugar added in processed foods, and from starches like white rice or white potato or white bread) that you eat with each meal.

For example, simple starches like white rice may spike blood sugar levels very high, very quickly for a diabetic and non-diabetic. The speed of the rise of sugar in the blood is predicted by the glycemic index rating. So, for a diabetic, eating simple starches like white rice may require careful planning.

People with diabetes must really understand the value of using the glycemic index and glycemic load concepts as important tools for eating healthy. If you must eat white rice or white potato or white white bread, plan to have protein/meat and vegetables (complex carbs), with a small amount of rice on the plate. Therefore, diabetics should always make good choices of the foods that they eat. Good choices in carbs include what you eat (on the glycemic index list) and how much you eat (as measured by glycemic load).

Diabetes Menu Planner

One of the best ways for diabetics to control the quality of their meals is to plan their diabetes menus. Diabetes menu planning means that you create a menu for the day, week, or even month that you stick to. A good diabetes menu plan will include diabetes snack options that will help to control your appetite as well as different diabetic meal options so that you don't get bored by eating the same foods over and over again.

Diabetes Menu Planning Goals

The goal of every diabetes menu plan should be to ensure that you have a balanced diet with an appropriate amount of:

• Carbohydrates (45%-65%) - Use more low Glycemic Index carbs than high

• Proteins (10%-35%) - Keep it lean

• Unsaturated fats (20%-35%) - Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

Diabetes menu planning is an also an excellent way to keep track of calories.
The average person should consume about 2,000 calories per day to ensure that their body functions properly and they have enough energy to be active. It is also recommended that the average person consumers about:

• 100 grams of protein (at 4Cal/gram)

• 275 grams of carbohydrates (at 4 Cal/gram)

• 56 grams of fat (at 9 Cal/gram) each day (yes - it is actually important to consume fat - that is monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats from plants and fish). Eat as little saturated fats as possible. Saturated fats mostly come from non-fish animals, like birds, cows and pigs. is dedicated to providing you the tools and diabetic meal plans to help you build your diabetes menu plan. A good Diabetes menu plan will not only provide information that is based on careful research 2000-Calorie-Meal-Plan, but we also provide a range of recipes for diabetes (including diabetes snacks, vegetarian recipes, and even diabetes desserts) that are suitable for any healthy diet.

Check out our Nutrition, and Recipes sections for more information about how you can plan your tasty diabetes menus and live a healthy lifestyle by eating well! Remember, the food choices you make will have a major impact on your blood sugar. Bad food choices will raise your blood sugar, that will cause you to use more diabetes drugs, or make you suffer severe diabetes complications. The choices are yours to make. Prevention is much more pleasant that the cure.

Benefits of Muscle Relaxers

Neuromuscular blockers and spasmolytic relaxers are the two types of muscle relaxers used in today's hospital and clinics for different kinds of pain and muscle relief. Neuromuscular blockers are used mostly for surgeries to quell pain, while spasmolytics are used primarily as relaxants for tension muscle and spasms relief. Most medications that fall under these two categories are available on the market through prescription only, to relief skeletal muscle pains and residual spasms.

List of muscle relaxers, their benefits and possible users:

People who suffer from arthritis normally use muscle relaxers in order to get more restful sleep. Rheumatologists order muscle relaxers to help force stage four sleeps so that people can feel good and refreshed when they wake-up in the morning. Those who suffer from fibromyalgia can benefit from taking muscle relaxers because it can help relieve body aches, fatigue and stiffness which could lead to poor quality sleep. Muscle relaxers works in the middle; acting to control central nervous system. It can work as a substitute to antidepressant to individuals who is suffering from anxiety disorders. Individuals who suffer from serious tension headaches should also gain from this list of muscle relaxants, mostly if the headache is caused by tensions around the head and neck.

Other ways that muscle relaxers are used:

- Use for severe pain relieve in hospital surgery rooms and other emergency situations to induce paralysis
- Antispasmodic
- Helps reduce the symptoms for fibromyalgia i.e. body aches, burn out and stiffness
- Reduce neck and back pain
- Used for the treatment of acute tension headaches
- Help alleviate pain associated with MPS or Myofascial pain syndrome
- Induce stage 4 sleep.

Mostly used muscle relaxers list:

Carisoprodol (e.g. Soma) - a muscle relaxant which acts to block pain perception from the nerves while acting to calm the central nervous system. It is used for quick relieve of muscle pain, spasms, strains and muscle sprains. It is also used as an antidepressant.
Diazepam (e.g. Valium) - besides easing muscle spasms and pains, it also can help relieve acute withdrawal from alcohol, seizures, and even anxiety associated symptoms. It works on the brain as well as the nerves to give temporary relieve and calming effect on the patients.
Cyclobenzaprine (e.g. Flerexil) - used for the treatment of muscle pain and spasms as a result of musculoskeletal demands. Cyclobenzaprine is mostly taken as part treatment for fibromyalgia.
Metaloxone (e.g. Skelaxin) - essentially strong muscle relaxers that has very little side effects, normally used to relax spasm and reduce muscle pain. More viability is experienced if taken with food.
Methacarbamol (e.g. Robaxin) - muscle relaxer used for the treatment of skeletal muscle spasm which may help relax muscle and lessen muscle pains as a result of strains, sprains, and other muscle stresses.
There are literally over one hundred brands of muscle relaxants readily available on the market to pick from, but there are other things you must know about these medicines also. They could be addictive and habit forming. Always take the medication as prescribed, and always consult with your doctor if you experience any side effects.

Weight Loss Diet Natural and Safe Tips

According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health and healing, the Kapha Dosha (humour) is primarily responsible for fat and adipose tissue in the body and therefore reducing Kapaha is the key to a successful weight loss program. Below you will find some effective tips from ayurveda to help reduce Kapha Dosha and thus battle obesity and being overweight.
Of the four dimensions of our being, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in this article I will cover the Physical Dimension which is most important for the reduction of Kapha and the correlating reduction in weight.

Weight Loss Tips from Ayurveda:

1. Ayurvedic Diet for Weight Loss:
Obviously an anti-kapha diet is the place to start when looking to lose weight. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, spicy foods and whole grains.

2. Exercise for Weight Loss:

The following Ayurvedic guidelines should be followed for proper exercise with regard to weight loss:
* More Exercise the Better: Kapha\'s qualities of fixed, dull, heavy, soft and cold are all negated via exercise. In other words, the more exercise you do the more you reduce Kapha and therefore fat in your body.
* Exercise Without Excessive Strain: According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need the most vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should never be extreme. Find a good balance between doing too little and over doing it. Breaking a nice sweat is good, but being totally breathless is probably too much.
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* Be Consistent: A Kapha body type has a propensity towards weight gain so you need to make exercise a daily part of you life. The hardest part will be to get the exercise program underway. Once this is done Kapha people tend to be very determined and steady, so they will be able to adhere to it long term. Getting started though is another matter for Kapha types and usually requires shock treatment. In the spirit of shock treatment, understand that by NOT exercising and NOT losing the weight you are putting your longevity and quality of life at risk. Enough said, start today!
* Yoga for Weight Loss: Yoga offers an excellent way to include holistic exercises into your fitness program. These exercises will not just help you lose weight, but will also help your overall health and well-being.
* Post Exercise Diet: After exercises do not drink cold liquids. This period is key as you are trying to increase the metabolic fire in your cells so they burn more calories and drinking cold liquids at this time will negate this important benefit which exercise bestows.

3. Hard Physical Work to Burn Calories:

According to Ayurveda reduction of Kapha is promoted by living a physical, active lifestyle. In today\'s age of technology, computers, TVs, TiVO, internet, etc, manual labor is getting more rare for people to do. So you need to consciously incorporate physical work into your life. Whether that be mowing the lawn, tending to the garden or shoveling snow, it is important to not live a sedentary live of watching TV and eating twinkies.

4. Massage Therapy to Reduce Fat:

There are many treatment modalities in Ayurveda of which massage is highly recommended. In the context of weight loss and reducing Kapha, strong massage with light oils such as mustard or flaxseed is helpful.

5. Sleep Guidelines for Weight Loss:

No napping or going to bed early. If you want to reduce Kapha and weight remember you burn more calories when you are awake and being active, than when you are happily snuggled under the blanket.
The above recommendations will surely help you with your weight loss goals and in addition to helping you get slim, they will also make you more healthy and fit.

Crohn's Disease Treatment

Crohn's disease is a disease that can lead to inflammation anywhere along the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Compared to a condition known as ‘ulcerative colitis', which can affect only the interior part of the digestive tract; Crohn's Disease can include all the layers of the intestinal wall. The IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Disease is comprised of two types of diseases-Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Crohn's disease may also be called ileitis or enteritis.

The symptoms of Crohn's disease include:
• Stomach pain and cramps
• Bloody stool
• Mucus in the stool
• Diarrhea
• Loss of appetite
• Digestive Tract Ulceration
• Fever

Cause of Crohn's Disease:
IBD is known to be an idiopathic disease (disease with no known cause) and Crohn's Disease is also an IBD disease. This disease is known to be hereditary and has been particularly seen in people who hail within the Jewish descent. However, most people with IBD do not seem to have family history of the disease in particular. Some doctors believe that given the nature of the IBD being an auto immune disease, the symptoms of Crohn's Disease are nothing but an allergic response.

This means the body's immune system confuses bacteria and food as foreign substances(antigens) and attacks them. Due to this, the white blood cells begin to collect in the intestines, leading to chronic inflammation and bowel injury. Three factors have been singled out, the immune system of the patient, the environment and of course, the genes.

Blood tests are done to find out the extent of IBD, especially with regard to white blood cell counts and red blood cell. The blood tests an also be used to measure electrolyte levels of potassium and magnesium, to find out if these important minerals have been evacuated due to continuous diarrhea.

Since Crohn's Disease is similar to many types of intestinal disorders like ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, it can be tough to diagnose the condition. Ulcerative Colitis can lead to inflammation in the upper layer of the large intestine layer. In Crohn's Disease, however, all layers of the intestine can be affected. You may just find a healthy bowel lost among sections of impaired bowel.

Crohn's Disease Treatment
A variety of medication can be used as treatment to Crohn's Disease The medications that are administerd usually fall into two categories: fast acting drugs to put a halt to the flare-ups and maintenance drugs to continuously avoid the flare-up from happening.

Cortisone or Steroids.drugs and steroids together known as corticosteriods—provide very efficient results. Prednisone is a regular generic name of one of the drugs in this group of medications. It is administered in large dose when the disease is at its worst and then the dosage is lowered once symptoms have been controlled; because they can cause a lot of side-effects.
Immune System Suppressors. Some of the medications in this immune suppressing groups are 6-mercaptopurine or a related drug, azathioprine. Immunosuppressive agents work by thwarting the immune reaction that leads to inflammation. These drugs do lead to side effects like like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and may reduce a person's resistance to infection.. SO if the Crohn's disease patient is treated with a combination of When of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, the dose of corticosteroids may ultimately be lowered.

Anti-Inflammation Drugs. Measalamine is one of the drugs that is used to treat patients first to control inflammation. The most commonly used rug is known as . Sulfasalazine. Possible side effects of mesalamine-containing drugs include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, and headache.

Infliximab (Remicade). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave green signal to the Infliximab as the drug for the treatment of moderate to severe Crohn's disease that does not react to standard therapies (mesalamine substances, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents) and as a remedial treatment for open, draining fistulas. There is still additional research going with this drug. Remicade may offer to help people with Crohn's disease.

Antibiotics. If there is a bacterial overgrowth due to fistula, stricture etc, antibiotics are used to treat them. The physician may prescribe one or more of the following antibiotics: ampicillin, sulfonamide, cephalosporin, tetracycline, or metronidazole.

Anti-Diarrheal and Fluid Replacements. Diarrhea and crampy abdominal pain are usually treated when the inflammation reduces but in some cases the doctor may give additional treatment in the form of anti-diarrheal and fluid replacements like diphenoxylate, loperamide, and codeine. Patients who are dehydrated due to diarrhea can be administered fluids and electrolytes.

Surgery is also an option for Crohn's Disease. In fact 70 percent of people with Crohn's Disease go for surgery in the first ten years following the diagnosis. The most common type of surgery is ‘resection' where the impaired part of the intestine is surgically removed.

How Cholesterol Affects Your Heart

The heart works hard to pump that blood throughout the entire body of blood vessels. It is forced to work even harder when we don't take care of it. You may know something about cholesterol, but keep reading to find out how it can be unfriendly to your heart.

Cholesterol is a waxy-type of fat found in the body. It is produced in the liver mainly, but also in the reproductive organs and the adrenal glands. It is transported through the body as lipoproteins in the blood to sites where it is needed.

Cholesterol is not all bad. It does have a function inside your body, in the right amounts. Cholesterol helps with the integrity of cellular membranes. Because it is insoluble in water (for the most part) it can control what substances go into and out of the cell.

Cholesterol is an integral part of many hormones – estrogen and testosterone are just two of them. These sex hormones are important during puberty and beyond for proper development and reproduction. So, don't doom this naturally occurring substance too soon.
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The Problem with Cholesterol
Now, you have heard about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. You probably know what foods contain which but do you know what it does in your body?

As stated, the liver produces most of the cholesterol. If more is needed, it is processed from the foods we eat. There are healthy fats and not so healthy ones that we eat every day. The unhealthy ones come from processed baked goods, candy bars, fatty meats and the like. Eating these foods once in a while is okay but eating them often and in large amounts affects your body, specifically your heart and blood vessels.

You only need 20% of cholesterol from food. Check the labels. Eating foods that contain cholesterol is not a good choice. Instead, choose foods and ingredients that contain good cholesterol like unsaturated oils (olive, flaxseed, canola) and foods with healthy fats (nuts, cold water fish.
In your body, bad fats are metabolized just like the good ones. LDL (low density lipoproteins) is the bad fats. They are an oxidized form of fat that is quite sticky and can attach to artery walls where they harden into plaque.

These plaques narrow the opening through which blood has to pass resulting in less blood that can pass. To get less blood through the same vessels, the heart has to pump harder. If the narrowed vessels are coronary arteries, then the heart is not receiving enough blood to do its job properly. Compromised blood flow can lead to a heart attack.

The good news is that good fats contribute to HDL levels, or good cholesterol. It travels around the bloodstream picking up stray bad cholesterol and ridding the body of it. Higher HDL levels work to prevent the buildup of cholesterol plaques.

Now that you know about cholesterol, and how it affects your heart you can choose foods that will help your heart do its job and reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack.

Anti Aging Treatment for That Flawless Skin

Aging is a natural phenomenon. Everyone ages but no one wants to reveal his or her age, especially women. To help you appear several years younger than you actually are, there are several anti aging treatment available in the market. Treatment in a proper anti aging clinic will make it is possible to look and feel younger in a matter few days.

Consulting a knowledgeable skin care expert is the first step in your anti aging treatment. To obtain maximum benefits, you should first consult skin care expert, although purchasing anti-aging skin care product off the shelf may give you some of the desired results. A skin care expert can determine the best course of action, evaluate the type of skin you have and finally suggest the best products to use to get the maximum results.

What type of treatment you need and if multiple treatments will be needed, the cause of the anti aging treatment will largely depend. For example, a surgical face peal will cost more than a chemical face peal. In this process, the top layer of your skin from you face is removed. Than a chemical face peal, using an exfoliate will cost less.

Shopping on a budget for an anti-aging solution may not produce very effect results or the results may not last very long. To make sure he or she is a professional, always check out the person who is administering the anti aging treatment. To determine if there are any hazards associated with the type of treatment you have elected to use, you should also use the Internet. On the Internet, there are lots of domains pertaining to anti aging treatment are available to start with. There is abundance of information.

You will get a free assessment in most anti aging clinic. You can determine the type and cost of the treatment you need, after the clinic's assessment. You will need to pay for the treatment out of your own pocket, since most medical insurance companies will not pay for any anti-aging solution. You may want to try some of the low cost, if the cost of the treatment is out of your budget. One can also use of the products that are available in the market, only if you have proper idea about how exactly the product will help your skin.

The skin is rejuvenated and toned by using Aloe Vera. It stimulates the blood circulation and naturally softens the skin. It is a naturally cooling gel. Among eye care products, Vitamin K is popular and it is clinically proven to reduce dark circles around the eyes and treats spider veins. Vitamin E is as an effective antioxidant and it improves our skin's moisture and content. It is good in smoothing the skin.

To the anti-aging process such as reducing wrinkles, improving skin tone, helping to prevent sagging skin as well as improves pigmentation, Bioflavanoids provide visible benefits. Found in most fruits and vegetables, Bioflavanoids are the brightly colored pigments.

Find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment, if you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process.

Pregnant woman be cautious

Pregnancy is the period which is much awaited by a lady.And all of us (women) desires to experience this at least for once in our life cycle. No sooner did a women conceives a number of responsibilities come up like how to rear the newly born baby , taking care of the mother's health,and so on. At the period of pregnancy mother needs special attention as baby inside the womb is growing daily.Various changes come up into the mother's body.As the week passes the size of the womb also increases in diameter,the breast enlarges,period comes to stop for a time being,food seems to be tasteless and mother suffers from nausea.

Another change that takes place during the pregnancy period is the blood pressure.The pregnant lady must visit the consulted doctor as per the schedule. The blood pressure can move from normal to high pressure.In this article the readers will be benefited of all kinds be it new father, pregnant mother or a teenager.A new father and a teenager in the sense a new father has to look after his wife's health and his baby's health and at the same time a teenager to right now a student should have a basic knowledge about all this so that when in future he or she grows in to man or a woman easily handles any type of situation.

Giving birth to a new life is essential in order to form new generation and carry the genes of the ancestors.But it is not a simple process, for this the body and spirit has t o be fully prepared to bring new life in to this world.For a better growth of the baby the mom should dwell in healthy atmosphere and always be happy and have to intake healthy nutritious diet. As weeks months passes on new changes and with it new feelings comes up.

Blood pressure is the force applied on the artery walls by the blood.Though it has been found that women who have suffered high blood pressure have healthy babies but it might prove fatal sometimes both for the baby and the mother.As high blood pressure leads to stroke, kidney failure and other heart disease.

and also cause threat to the fetus.Women who have pre - existing blood pressure is more subjected to more risk at the time of pregnancy mainly known as gestation hypertension.The blood pressure starts ranging from meek to severe.This would result in low birth weight or early delivery. Preeclampsia is another term related with this high blood pressure.this can have an adverse effect on the placenta.When Preeclampsia causes convulsion then it is called eeclampsia.The problem of High blood pressure is to be found in 6to 8%

Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure

Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. This pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may in fact be motivating to another. Many of life's demands can cause stress, especially work, relationships and money problems and when you feel stressed, it can affect everything you do.

There are many ways to manage stress, habits like eating properly and exercising are often the first things to go when we are experiencing stress. We may think we're creating more time in our lives by not taking time to do them, but we also compromise our ability to get through the stressful times.

Practical Ways to Manage Stress

Get Plenty of Sleep
A good night's rest makes all the difference to how well you manage stressful situations. If you are tired and cranky, your patience wears thin more quickly and you are less able to tolerate stress well.

Stay Fit
Be sure to fit some exercise into your routine as exercise is a natural stress reliever that works to reduce the tension that arises from stress.

Eat Healthily
A healthy diet improves your overall health and helps you cope with stress better.

Manage Time
Stay on top of time management, continually running behind on deadlines and appointments is a leading cause of stress. Schedule your day with some padding time to help you stay on track. Don't put things off it will only increase your stress levels.

Schedule some relaxation time into your day. Be sure to make time for friends and family or to enjoy your favourite hobby.

Take a Break
Make sure to take breaks when working, breaks help you to regather your thought and not feel overworked or under stress.

Participate in social events, networks or clubs to have other people to relate to and bond with. Peer groups allow people to share experiences with others who can offer support during tough and stressful times.

Laugh Often
Laughter truly is great medicine a little happiness goes a long way to reducing stress.

Take Care of your Finances
Be careful with your finances as money woes are a top stress inducer. Keep a close watch on your budget and spend money carefully.

Seek Balance
Follow an overall plan for achieving wellness and seek balance and harmony to live as stress free a life as possible.

If you follow these stress management tips you are sure to find yourself much less stressed and more time on your hands to simply relax and enjoy life.


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis is usually caused by viruses, but bacteria can also be a cause of hepatitis. Current studies conducted by scientists have shown that there are no more than five viruses that can cause hepatitis. All these types of hepatitis are very serious and they can do a lot of damage to your liver. The five types of hepatitis are hepatitis A, B, C, D and hepatitis E.

Hepatitis A is caused by a virus that spreads through water or food. The hepatitis A virus is found in one' s fecal materials. If somehow, this material contaminates water of food, the hepatitis virus is then spread very easily. The symptoms for this type of hepatitis are very similar to those of the flu. If you have hepatitis A, vomiting, nausea, fatigue and abdominal pain will be some of the symptoms. Furthermore, if your urine is dark or your skin and eyes turn yellowish, then you can definitely say that you have hepatitis. In this case, a doctor should be seen right away. He/ she will do some further tests to see if indeed you have hepatitis A or not. If you have hepatitis, then you will start a treatment. In cases of hepatitis A, the best treatment there is is to get plenty of rest and stay away from sexual contact. Hepatitis A can last somewhere between two weeks and half an year. There are corently two vaccines available for hepatitis A. One of the hepatitis vaccine is for those that have already been
exposed to the hepatitis virus and the second one is to prevent hepatitis A.

The second type of hepatitis: hepatitis B spreads through blood and sexual contact. Hepatitis B has almost the same symptoms as hepatits A. Loss of appetite can also be another hepatitis symptom. There are people that can have hepatitis B and still have no hepatitis symptoms at all. The treatment for this type of hepatitis is with medication. For children, vaccines are also available against hepatitis.

Hepatitis C, like hepatitis B is also spread by contact with blood that has been contaminated. In this case of hepatitis, more than half of the hepatitis patients have no symptoms at all. Those who have signs of hepatitis feel a loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue and jaundice. For this particular type of hepatitis there is no vaccine. Treatment for hepatitis C is with interferon or some combinations using this drug.

Like hepatitis B and C, hepatitis D is also spread through blood. In order to develop hepatitis D, you either have to suffer from hepatitis B or get infected with hepatitis B at the same time. This happens because hepatitis D needs the hepatitis B virus in order to replicate. Hepatitis E has no treatment and there are no vaccines for it.

Causes And Risk Factors Of Lung Cancer

There are 25 Lakh cancer patients in the country. Ten lakh new cases are detected annually and 4 lakh people lose there lives to cancer. Cancer is now the third biggest killer in our country. Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers inIndia. It is the most common cause of cancer related deaths in men and the second most common cause of death in women (after breast cancer). Lung cancer alone is responsible for 13 Lakh deaths worldwide annually.

Causes And Risk Factors Of Lung Cancer

* Smoking is the single most important cause ----

Smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is by far the main contributor to lung cancer. Across the developed world, almost 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Passive smoking can also lead to lung cancer.

* Air pollution - Gases emitted by industries & vehicles are carcinogenic.

* Radioactive Chemical exposure - Arsenic, nickel, chromium.

Warning symptoms of lung cancer

* Smoker's cough that persists or becomes intense.

* Increase in volume of sputum.

* Wheezing.

* Nonsmoker's cough that persists for more than 2 weeks.

* Change in color of sputum.

* Blood in sputum.


More than 90% of the lung cancer cases are due to active and passive smoking and hence preventable. The earlier one stops smoking, better it is.

Prevention is the most cost-effective means of fighting lung cancer. While in most countries, industrial and domestic carcinogens have been identified and banned, tobacco smoking is still widespread. Eliminating tobacco smoking is a primary goal in the prevention of lung cancer, and smoking cessation is an important preventative tool in this process, especially in the youth.

How lung cancer is DIAGNOSED?

* Chest x-ray is the most easily available and cheapest modality for diagnosis of lung cancer which will show the tumor in the lung or in the air passage.

* CT scan is the most important modality because it not only shows the tumor but also gives information about the progression of the disease; whether the tumor is operable or not.
* MRI and PET-CT may also help to know the progression of the tumor.


Treatment for lung cancer depends on the cancer's specific cell type, how far it has spread, and the patient's performance status. Common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.


Surgery is the main modality of treatment for early lung cancer. If investigations confirm lung cancer, CT scan and often positron emission tomography (PET) are used to determine whether the disease is localized and amenable to surgery or whether it has spread to the point where it cannot be cured surgically.


Radiotherapy is used with curative intent in patients with lung cancer who are not eligible for surgery. This form of high intensity radiotherapy is called Radical Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy may be added concurrently with Radiotherapy to increase the efficacy of cell kill.

Radiotherapy for lung cancer has undergone dramatic changes in the last decade. IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) is being used to target Lung cancer for the last ten years. But as we all know, lungs move during respiration and so the tumor target may be missed during Radiotherapy. This problem has now been overcome with the new technique of delivering IMRT, which is called IGRT (Image Guided Radiation Therapy). In IGRT, a low dose KV CT Scan is done before treatment and the position of the patient is corrected in all three dimensions if there is any shift from the original position.

Active Breathing control devices are also available with the help of which we target the tumor only during a specific phase of respiration so that the Radiation Beam hits the tumor more precisely and normal tissues are spared of unnecessary Radiation. This is also known as gated or 4D Radiotherapy.

Another major breakthrough in the treatment delivery of IMRT and IGRT is VMAT (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy). VMAT is a highly advanced and sophisticated treatment planning system which is available at very few select centers worldwide. Treatment planning with VMAT is far more precise and normal tissues receive only a fraction of Radiation as compared to older techniques. Another major advantage is that with VMAT, the treatment time is reduced from 25 to 30 minutes to just 2 to 5 minutes. Treatment with VMAT is thus not only faster but also more accurate with minimal side effects.


Chemotherapy is an important aspect of treatment of lung cancer. Most lung cancer patients require chemotherapy. The latest development is the treatment of lung cancer includes targeted therapies. These "targeted" therapies hit specific targets which are present on cancer cells. Hence, these therapies are considered superior than conventional chemotherapies as they kill specifically the target bad cells and spare the good (normal) cells.

How to improve chances of cure in lung cancer?

* Cancer Screening of high risk population.
* Annual Health Check ups.
* Complete diagnostic check up and staging work up to know the disease stage.
* Tumor Board Evaluation by a panel of cancer experts.
* Integrated treatment at dedicated cancer centers with NABH Accreditation.
* Surgery by dedicated thoracic surgeons skilled in Lung cancer surgery.
* Use of highly effective targeted chemotherapy under expert medical supervision.
* Use of advanced Radiation techniques such as IMRT, IGRT, VMAT and ABC.
* And most importantly, the will to succeed, because with the latest technology available, we will now win the battle against Cancer.

Asthma Attack Home Remedies

Are There Asthma Attack Home Remedies - Or Just Hot Air?

If you have asthma and you start looking for information on the Internet, you'll soon find several websites offering "100% sure" asthma attack home remedies. And it is very probable that you'll feel tempted to buy one of them. No one likes being forced to take corticosteroids on a daily basis and an alternative, sometimes any alternative is always welcome. If effective asthma attack home remedies were really available at your drug store, of course you would buy them.

Do you see a logical problem there? Home remedies are by definition not bought, so avoid buying "asthma attack home remedies". If you're going to take some pills, make sure that you really know what's inside them.

But the fact that some people try to sell asthma attack home remedies doesn't mean that there are no remedies beside advanced chemistry. There are some that can not only prevent, but also stop an asthma attack. Such home remedies can be easily used as a support for a standard treatment, especially in case of mild asthma, but they should never replace standard medications.

Below there are a few asthma and asthma attack home remedies. Some of them work wekk, some of them are just "supposed" to work, but fortunately all of them are completely safe. Generally, all of them are different methods of warming your airways. This often prevents or helps during an asthma attack.

Hot bathroom

During an asthma attack, some people run into their bathroom, close the door and try to create as much warm steam as possible. Alternatively, they have a very hot bath or try some similar home remedy. The increased air temperature eases the attack and makes breathing much easier, though if you don't suffer from asthma, we might think just the opposite.

Of course if your asthma is severe, it is recommended to use your inhaler or nebulizer instead of any asthma attack home remedies.

Hot water or coffee

Another common acne home remedy is drinking hot coffee, tea or plain hot water. On their way down, these drinks warm the airways and can ease the attack. The mechanism of these asthma attack home remedies is similar to the hot bathroom ones, but they are much easier to apply. The only problem is that during an acute attack this might be not enough. Yes, asthma attack home remedies may seem simple, but often they are very effective.

Asthma Cough Symptoms

How To Recognize Asthma Cough Symptoms

A persistent, chronic cough should not be ignored, particularly in children and could be a common symptom of asthma. Asthma cough is different than a conventional cough and it's important to differentiate between the two. One of the most difficult things for parents is determining what is asthma cough and what is conventional coughing. There is a distinct difference. In fact, don't guess. The best course of action is to make an appointment to see your doctor. The truth is doctors even have difficulty in establishing the difference between the two.

Identifying Asthma Cough

Let's look at what asthma cough is. Essentially, asthma cough is non productive. By non productive, mucus isn't brought up. In fact, it's unique and has a sound all to it's own. It's very much a dry, wheezing sound and can persist until a child or adult gets to the stage where they are gasping for air. So no mucus and the chances are it's an asthma cough: if their is mucus, then it may be the signs of an impending cold.

The Cause Of Asthma Cough?

The most likely cause are allergens or irritants. The home is a common trigger factor and harbors a number of these symptom producing culprits. When a person reacts to these allergens or irritants the result will be a swelling in the airways causing muscle spasms in and around the bronchial passages. Because it's an irritant and not mucus productive, the obvious reaction is to cough and the reason why it's dry. Trying to force the irritating factor through the bronchial passages means the coughing will usually be prolonged and eventually lead to shortness of breath and dry reaching.

Asthma Cough Treatment

One of the best responsive treatments is the use of bronchodilators. They are effective in loosening the muscles around the bronchial tubes, soothing the cough and providing much needed respite to the sufferer. Lack of air movement when the muscles become tight around the bronchial tubes is akin to a "bear hug" being applied the use of broncodilators eases this restrictive effect, forcing the air back through the passages.

Effective treatment also includes the use of inhaled corticosteroids. This anti-inflammatory treatment has the effect of easing the swelling, usually chronic, around the bronchial area thus making their job of forcing out any irritants a lot easier.

Other Treatment Methods

Herbal specialists have been sought in recent times and recommendations such as tea, black or green, are said to provide some relief against asthma cough symptoms. Honey can also provide relief particularly before going to bed at night. How effective these treatments are compared to more traditional medical treatments shouldn't really be an issue as they are intended more to compliment those treatments. Eliminating most of the allergens and irritants from the home may not be possible, in fact, it's nigh on impossible however, with good management practice techniques, asthma cough incidence can be kept to a minimum.

Arthritis Hand Pain

Top 3 Ways to Cure Arthritis Hand Pain

Hand arthritis can occur mainly in three areas, such as wrist joint, finger joints, and knuckle joints. When these joints are affected by arthritis, daily activities such as writing, threading needle or tying shoelace etc. become very difficult. Out of all forms, hand arthritis is very perilous. However it is possible to get relief from pains associated through natural remedies.

Top three ways to cure arthritis hand pains are:

-Use of Alternative Medicines: Few alternative medicines are found to be very successful in relieving pain. One of the most popular alternative medicines is the use of herbs & massages. Acupuncture and visiting a chiropractor can be equally helpful for curing hand pain.

-Non-surgical Treatment: Three most popular non-surgical treatments are medications, injections, and splinting.

Medication: Medications works as anti-inflammatory drugs. Anti-inflammatories are capable of stopping the body from producing chemical, responsible for swelling & pain. Tylenol and Advil are two most popular over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs. Celebrex is a popular prescription drug for arthritic pain relief. Though medications treat symptoms, they are unable to restore joint cartilage or joint damage.

Injections: When anti-inflammatory medications are ineffective, injections are used. These injections contain a long lasting anesthetic & steroid. These injections are capable of providing pain relief, which can varies from weeks to months depending upon the amount of doses.

Splinting: Splints have to be used when joint hurts. The splint helps to support the joints. Splinting works along with injections as supplementary.

-Surgical Treatment: If non-surgical option fails to relief the arthritis hand pains, then surgery should be preferred. Usually surgery is the best option in providing long-term pain relief. Joint replacement is one of the popular methods in the surgical treatment.

Though these are the best three ways to cure arthritis hand pain, these can have possible site effects. Possible side effects of injections are lightening of the skin, weakening of the tendons and ligaments. Infections may be one of the major side effects of these practices.

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Hip Arthritis

Hip Arthritis - Pain Relief
Hip arthritis is without doubt one of the most common forms of arthritis- which can have many different causes. There is one factor in common however- this is loss of cartilage from the hip joint. The loss of cartilage results in the hip bones grinding unnaturally together, resulting in pain. Hip arthritis advances quite quickly once it sets in, and pain and treatment options vary greatly depending on the patient's age, health and lifestyle.

Once hip arthritis has been diagnosed, the doctor will consider both surgical and non-surgical options for treatment. The doctor may recommend combining several treatment methods. Simple non-invasive treatments for hip arthritis include weight loss, anti-inflammatory medication such as Naprosyn and Ibuprofen, and lifestyle changes- such as taking up regular walking. These non-surgical methods assist in reducing the pain, and preventing symptoms re-occurring. Sufferers of hip arthritis should be aware of some claims of the benefits of "Pharmaceuticals" such as Glucose supplements in treating hip arthritis. There is no strong evidence that links their effectiveness with hip arthritis and they are not FDA regulated in the US.

In terms of surgical treatment options for hip arthritis there are 2: Osteotomy, wherein the surgeon cuts the bone to re-align the hip joint and Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA), which means total hip joint replacement. The latter is obviously more serious.

THA is the most common form of surgery used to treat hip arthritis. The doctor will need to analyze various factors before deciding that THA is the best treatment for hip arthritis. The beauty of THA is that in time it will allow most patient to regain normal use of their hips, so they can resume the activities which may be so dear to them. Another strong reason for pursuing THA as a viable treatment option for hip arthritis, is the fact that the pain will be eased immeasurably- specifically the pain experienced at night, which is the worst. THA is not necessarily the best treatment option for everyone. Many patients will be able to comfortably modify their lifestyles to reduce the need to pursue the THA procedure.

Many sufferers of hip arthritis are pursuing THA, due to recent medical advancements, and the brilliance of surgeons specifically in the US. Further to this the materials used nowadays in THA are totally durable, meaning they will not break down over time. These recent developments have seen a spike in the number of patients been encouraged to pursue THA as a viable and effective treatment option for hip arthritis.

The is an extremely effective and safe procedure performed under anesthetic, which greatly lowers the risks of surgery-related complications and allows for a faster recovery- and hence less time off from work. Currently in the US, patients undergoing THA do not remain in hospital for longer than 5 days. Hip joint replacement usually has an extremely high success rate with 85 to 95 percent success rate over a period of 20 years. This is re-assuring for sufferers of hip arthritis, as it provides a swift method of dealing with the pain for the long term.

Antiviral Drugs For Herpes

Acyclovir (Zovirax), an antiviral drug effective in the treatment of herpes simplex infection, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)in 1984. Since its approval, the effects of acyclovir on human pregnancies have not been determined. Acyclovir passes into breast milk and may harm a nursing infant. Do not take this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Acyclovir belongs to the family of medicines called antivirals. Antivirals are used to treat infections caused by viruses.

Zorivax is a brand name for Acyclovir. Zorivax, never leave home without it. Double your pleasure Double your fun for you and you partner.

How It Works

Acyclovir works by interfering with the virus developing a resistance ot ACV. ZOVIRAX is still immunogenic in frontier form. Acyclovir is usually prescribed in ointment form for topical application. It is sometimes prescribed in tablet and liquid form and can be administered as an injection in the treatment of severe cases of genital herpes, and it also relieves pain and itching.

Acyclovir is available as a prescription medication and is used most commonly in its oral form to treat genital herpes; it is also used to treat primary varicella (chickenpox) and varicella zoster (shingles). Among users of oral acyclovir in the United States, an estimated 30%-50% are women aged 15-44 years.

Acyclovir topical is usually applied every 3 hours, six times a day for seven days. Follow your doctor's instructions. Acyclovir is an antiviral drug. It slows the growth and spread of the herpes virus so that the body can fight off the infection. Acyclovir can prevent herpes simplex outbreaks, which may help people co-infected with HIV and herpes simplex live longer. High dose acyclovir is used to treat hairy leukemia , a viral infection that usually shows up on the sides of the tongue.

Acyclovir delayed 32% of the CMV infections and prevented 59% of the CMV disease cases which occurred in the placebo cohort. The time to CMV disease was significantly prolonged in patients on acyclovir as compared to patients on placebo ( P =0.013). Acyclovir is a white, crystalline powder with the molecular formula C8H11N5O3 and a molecular weight of 225.

Antiviral Herbs

There are many fantastic antiviral herbs. This is good news for those who want to take better care of their health and combat illness without the use of pharmaceuticals. Here we will talk about the best natural antivirals and their attributes.

Some of the best antiviral herbs include oregano, echinacea, garlic, astragalus, schizandra, elderberry, mullein, licorice, and green tea.

* Oregano has been used for hundreds of years to fight viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. This is a well known herb for seasoning food, particularly Italian dishes. However, this is a powerful foe against germs.

* Echinacea is well known for its ability to boost the immune system. It is said to stimulate white blood cell production, thus helping the body to fight viruses more effectively. This herb is best taken early on when an infection is first suspected for best results.

* Garlic is a very powerful antiviral herb that is very effective when used to fight the common cold and flu viruses as well as strep and staph infections. Garlic is wonderfully aromatic and is best consumed fresh, but it is also available in capsule and tablet form for those who want its health benefits without the garlic breath.

* Astragalus is another excellent immune strengthener and a very effective antiviral herb for combating the common cold and flu.

* Schizandra is one of the lesser known herbal antivirals which has been found to be very successful when treating viral hepatitis.

* Elderberry has been used as an herbal remedy against various viral infections for thousands of years. It is beneficial in fighting colds, flus, and upper respiratory infections. Typically, elderberry is most effective in lozenge and syrup form.

* Mullein provides antiviral, anti-inflammatory, calming, and expectorant properties, among other benefits. It is an excellent herbal choice for those suffering with congestion.

* Licorice is another excellent antiviral herb that is very effective against viruses and bacteria as well as fungal infections. Individuals with hypertension should avoid taking licorice.

* Green tea has been found effective in preventing the spread of the flu virus as well as promoting overall good health due to its high levels of antioxidants and catechins ECG and EGCG.

Antiviral Essential Oils
Some wonderful antiviral essential oils include eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, juniper oil, and lemon balm oil. These are helpful to use along with the above herbs when fighting a viral illness.

* Eucalyptus oil contains known antiviral compounds to help speed healing. Add a few drops of oil to a warm bath and breathe in the steam to help ease congestion. Can also be used in massage oil or applied to pulse points.

* Tea tree oil is another effective antiviral essential oil and can be applied full strength to external areas or gargled in water for sore throat.

* Juniper oil is a potent antiviral that has been found effective against the herpes and flu viruses. It can be used in a diffuser, as a massage oil, or in a soothing bath.

Nail Fungus

Lavender for Nail Fungus

Natural healers often recommend using essential oils from herbs such as thyme, oregano, mint, and even lavender for nail fungus treatment. Lavender (from the scientific genus Lavandula) is not one of the commonest herbs mentioned in this regard, but it is a member of the mint family and scientific studies have shown that it does have some antifungal properties. Aromatic herbs, which must fend off the attacks of fungi and other organisms in nature, seem to produce potent substances that can be extracted or distilled from the plant to produce a concentrated antifungal substance.

Lavandula antifungal properties are perhaps the least well known of the herb's many uses - esthetic, culinary, and medicinal. Lavender has long been used to create a sweet flowery scent in perfumes, bath water, linens, and closets. It is used to flavor teas, potato dishes and other foods. It is known to have a calming effect and has been used in many first aid remedies including medicines for headache, wound dressings, and insect bites, and as a treatment for chronic health problems such as rheumatism, psoriasis and parasitic infections, to name just a few. Lavender has antiparasitic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, characteristics that explain why herbalists recommend lavender for nail fungus treatment.

The mechanism for lavandula antifungal activity is not well understood, but it may act in similar ways to essential oils from other herbs. Fungi that are actively growing spread by putting out long fine branching stalks called hyphae - most people have seen this type of growth on occasion when mold starts to grow on food items. It has been noted that essential herbal oils seem to eat away at the walls of hyphae, causing them to disintegrate and lose their inner contents. Interestingly, some studies show that a preparation that contains other essential oils as well as lavender for nail fungus may work better than single oils by themselves. For example, lavender oil appears to be synergistic with tea tree oil, meaning that the two mutually increase each other's positive effects.

Fungal nail infections have always been notoriously hard to treat and modern medicine, despite many attempts to find effective antifungals, hasn't been very successful at developing drugs that are both safe and effective. In this respect the potential of herbal oils such as lavandula antifungal extract provide considerable hope for people who don't want to take a systemic drug which may cause unpleasant side effects. Many preparations from alternative medicine vendors today contain special blends of essential oils including lavender for nail fungus, and there is a growing collection of literature confirming that these remedies do work. If you're looking for an alternative to an expensive prescription drug for a nail fungus infection, a natural remedy containing essential oils is worth a try.

Before starting self-treatment with lavender for nail fungus, or any other alternative or home remedy, have your nail infection confirmed by a medical professional: other nail conditions can look similar but will not respond to antifungal remedies.

Essential Oils

An Oil Held in High Regard in the East
Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Java, Australia and southeastern Asia. The oil today comes from Australia where steam distillation is used on the fresh leaves and twigs. This is a tall evergreen tree that grows up to 98 feet in height. It has thick pointed leaves and white flowers. It uniquely has a flexible trunk with whitish, spongy bark that flakes off easily. Traditionally cajeput in the East is was used for colds, headaches, throat infections, toothache, sore and aching muscles, fever, rheumatism and various skin disease. It was used in the herbal tradition to produce a sensation of warmth and quickening of the pulse. Native peoples used it for chronic laryngitis and bronchitis, cystitis, rheumatism and to expel roundworms.

How Can We Benefit from Cajeput Essential Oil Today?

Today we observe cajeput to have antibacterial, antiparasitic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is used for throat, lung, and sinus infections, for urinary tract infections, coughs, and intestinal problems. Cajeput can be taken internally by diluting it 50-50 with a vegetable oil, it can be diluted 50-50 and applied on location, on the chakras/vita flex points, it can be directly inhaled, or diffused. Cajeput mixes well with wintergreen, eucalyptus radiata, juniper and peppermint. As for safety, cajeput is non-toxic, non-sensitizing but it may irritate the skin in high concentrations. Caution is advised to make sure you do not have synthetic cajeput since it may cause blistering and skin eruption.

Want to learn more about the healing properties of cajeput and other essential oils? Consider becoming a certified aromatherapist. Educational courses in healing energy and aromatherapy can help you understand how essential oils heal the body/mind/spirit. The Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy teaches courses throughout the United States on aromatherapy and energy healing.

Antiparasitic Formula

Black Walnut has high tannin content which accounts for its main anti-worm function along with jugalone, juglandin, and juglandic acid. It oxygenates the blood to destroy the parasites like ringworm. Black Walnut can also help the body balance sugar levels as well as burn up toxins and fatty materials. Juglans plex has the benefits of Black Walnut and the anti-septic (bacteria fighting), anti-fungal, and anti-helminthic abilities.

Abesthine Wormwood, of the same genus as the famous anti-malarial Sweet Wormwood, acts as an anti-helminthic, antiseptic, and intestinal soothing agent. And, just as malaria is purged by Sweet Wormwood, other parasites are eliminated by Absenthine Wormwood.

Both of these herbs act on the adult form of the parasites which kills them and stops them from reproducing. Cloves kill the egg from so that they may not spawn into more parasites.

Opportunistic parasites pathogens overwhelms the normal intestinal flora, damage the mucosal lining, and suppress immunity. Juglans Plex is Phytovi's unique formula of herbs known for their anti-parasitic, anti-fungal functions, and candidiasis control. Parasites are all around us. We can get them from other people, pets, undercooked meat or dairy products.

Where ever we pick them up, they mean us no good and can cause all manners of disturbances in out homeostasis. They can cause unpleasant, inconvenient, and when uncontrolled, potentially dangerous. But, we have the power to get rid of them with the assistance Juglan Plex can provide.

Is an overgrowth of the fungal yeast causing infection, mycosis. It is most commonly caused by Candida Albicans. It can range from a superficial infection of mucosal membranes to life threatening systemic situations in immunocompromised patients.

Antifungals and Probiotics For Your Candida

This article will discuss about anti-fungals and when to take them. This idea is based on the question from a friend of mine. She was wondering when the best time to take anti-fungals and probiotics is. Her candida, which she was just about on top of, has made a very unwelcome bid to return this week, and she needs a strategy to nip it in the bud before she goes back to square one.

She's read in the various sources that anti-fungals should be taken with meals, immediately before meals, or between meals, and that probiotics should be taken as far away as possible from anti-fungals or an hour after them, so that they can fill the gaps left by newly-killed yeast. All of these differing opinions confused her, because all of them seem to make sense. She's currently rotating GSE, garlic and caprylic acid.

Dealing with the above situations, some people said not to take probiotics till the yeast is under control, otherwise it is going to waste. Some doctors suggest that it is not advisable to take antibiotics and also antifungals at the same time because doing so could promote the resistance of fungal organisms against which no therapy would be effective.

If antibiotic therapy is necessary, it is advisable to subsequently do the anti-candida program for a month or more, but only after antibiotics is discontinued. Doctors recommend discontinuing antifungals if it is necessary to take an antibiotic. I believe the combination can promote the growth of Candida tropicalis. Probiotics has to be continued throughout.

Antifungals For Candida Treatment

This article will describe briefly about antifungals that are important for candida treatment. In the lists of antifungals that are available on the internet, tea tree oil is there (which it should be), but it's always listed for external skin conditions. You can also take tea tree oil internally to fight infections and candida, you just have to be sure the oil is NOT labeled "For External Use Only."

The dose would be 1-3 drops, 2-3 times daily. This was one of common treatments of a doctor when his patients had candida and it did help. You could put the oil drops in a small amount of water and then drink down. Don't go over 3 drops with the dosage as more drops could irritate the kidneys. Also, just for information, New Zealand tea tree oil is more powerful than Australian.

The lists need to mention enteric-coated peppermint oil-very effective for candida and for reducing the spasms of ulcerative colitis.

Also, fresh aloe vera gel is sometimes good for fungal skin conditions. Keeping the skin dry, though, is paramount as candida likes damp heat. Some of the baby powders actually have antifungal ingredients in them because diaper rash is really candida!

In America, Diaparene has undecylenate in it, the same ingredient in SF-722. Also, American health food stores can get an antifungal body powder made by ProSeed, it contains undecylenate and GSE. To some people and several doctors, they tend to have the best success using the homeopathic candida remedy.

Herbs Or Prescription Antifungals

My friend recently went to a homeopath who told her that she has Candida. A special remedy, Candistatin and Oil of Oregano were prescribed for her. She was told to do a yeast free diet and to come back in a month after the candida is gone. A guy from some candida forum said to her that she is wasting her money by going to a naturopath and said that herbs are not strong enough to kill yeast and she needs to seek the help of his MD in Washington, so that she can be prescribed some prescription antifungals. She realized that is going to take more than a month to get well, but she is also wondering if the herbs really help.

She has been suffering candida for 12 years and would finally like to enjoy her family and life in general. She is very desperate to get well, and confused in choosing the way to cure her self. Do the herbs really help? Or do the prescription antifungals work faster?

Personally, I don't agree with the forum guy who persuaded her to take some prescription antifungals. I'm taking herbal antifungals, grapefruit seed extract and caprylic acid, and having phenomenal results from them, and I know many peoples who have rid themselves of candida entirely without ever taking prescription antifungals. Maybe he has had brilliant results from the MD he suggested, but we are all different and not all of us respond well to prescription antifungals. I prefer the herbal route because I'm on control of it, and I know I'm not going to get walloped by weird side-effects like the prescribed one would do.

I really don't think going to homeopath is a money waste. A homeopath chooses the right treatments, which interact nicely with your personal body chemistry, personality, immune system, even childhood factors. Herbs work for many people, just be patient because there is no such things as instant results.

Do you want to know more about herbs and supplements to treat your candida? CLICK HERE to find out how to do and what to take at home and save your energy and money in your pocket!

Three Antidepressant Herbs

Most of us feel sad, miserable or 'down in the dumps' sometimes. We can feel like this when someone we love has died or moves away or we have lost a job or our home or have difficult things or circumstances to cope with. Usually, these feeling become less intense over time -- especially, when other good things are happening in our life. However, when these feeling of being sad or down are intense and persistent and stop us from doing the things that we would normally do then it is likely that we have a depressive illness.

The depressive illness can range from interfering with our usual activities and relationships (mild to moderate depression) to making it hard to relate or communicate with others or to do day-to-day tasks ( debilitating or severe depression). If you or someone you know has depression (mild, moderate or severe) it is important to seek professional health care. However, there are many things that the depressed person can do to help themselves -- the information on herbal remedies provided in this article is particularly geared to someone with mild or moderate depression.

There are many herbs that are able to help lift the spirits, help a person to relax and relieve stress (which is often at the base of depression). This article concentrates on the following anti-depressive herbs:
  • damiana,
  • ginseng,
  • lady's slipper
There are many other herbs that are widely known for their anti-depressive qualities and some of these will be explored in other articles. You will notice from the description of the herbs that are included here that they have many qualities other than relieving depression. These additional qualities can be beneficial to the body -- as well as elevating the mood. They can support the body in dealing with other conditions that may in themselves contribute to the depression

Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca)

Damiana is a strengthener for the nervous system. It also has an ancient reputation as an aphrodisiac - this may or may not be true but it is a tonic for the central nervous and hormonal systems. The pharmacology of the plant suggests that it has a testosterone like action.

Damiana is an anti-depressant and is considered a specific for anxiety and depression where there is a sexual factor.
It can be used to strengthen the male sexual system.
As a nerve tonic it is often used with oats and depending on the situation it combines well with kola or skullcap.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng (Chinese/Korean/Japanese), panax quinquefolius (American) Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian)). It is also known as man root, life root and heal all.

Ginseng root protects the body and nervous system from stress, stimulates and increases metabolic function, enhances physical and mental efficiency by improving circulation. It also helps to keep balanced blood pressure and glucose levels, increase gastrointestinal movement, iron metabolism, and promote RNA synthesis.

  • stimulates the nervous system and boosts energy,
  • stimulates hormone secretion,
  • lowers blood cholesterol level,
  • protects cells from damage due to radiation and exposure to toxins,
  • enhances memory, concentration and learning,
  • helps to lessen the effects of stress,
  • improves liver detoxification function,
  • improves the appetite,
  • helps to elevate the mood (anti-depressant action) and
  • improves sleep.

Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium pubescens)

Lady's slipper is one of the most widely applicable nerviness available. It can be used in all stress reactions, emotional tension and anxiety states. It will help to elevate the mood -- especially where depression is present. It can help ease nervous pain -- though it is best used in combination with other herbs for this purpose. It can be used to treat anxiety that is associated with insomnia.
Lady's slipper combines well with oats and skullcap. For nerve pain it can be used with Jamaican dogwood, passion flower and valerian.

Damiana, ginseng and lady's slipper are three herbs that can be used to help with depression especially for those with mild to moderate depression. If you have depression it is important that you seek professional help. You will also benefit by joining an overcoming depression program.

Antidepressant Medication Research

What Is Antidepressant Medication Research and Where Is It Heading?

The main focus of most antidepressant medication research is how to counter the various side effects that these medications cause. Besides that, the research also wants to discover how these side effects work and which medications give the best results when taken. It has been known that side effects occur because the client's body produces resistance to the actions of the drugs, thereby sending signals to the brain through the neurotransmitters that affect serotonin and norephinephrine.

Antidepressant medication research has also found out that most of these antidepressants' effectively starts after several days or weeks at a time because studies have shown that the body's brain adapts slowly to the effects these medications want to achieve. Another research is to discover how these antidepressants will achieve the long term effects of these drugs and how to combat any side effects that may arise. Discovery on how antidepressants function when taken into the body will be a big help in finding out what actions to take to lessen side effects and to know which antidepressants will give the most benefits versus the side effects that it may produce.

Another antidepressant medication research gears on the possibility of multiple medications that will treat depression and anxiety disorder jointly. Anxiety disorders consist of but not limited to post traumatic stress disorders, societal withdrawal, and panic disorders. It has been known that anxiety disorders are the reasons why an increased number of suicidal attempts occur. Some antidepressant research is directed to learning the various effects of SSRIs antidepressants and how these medications affect suicide attempts in patients taking them. Some studies have shown that SSRIs such as fluoxatine, sertraline, and escitalopram have affected suicidal tendencies mostly in children and adolescents.

Antidepressant medication research was able to discover that when children undergo antidepressant medication therapy, their suicidal tendencies lessen. Additionally, herbal medication such as St. John's wort and hypericum has been proven effective in decreasing depression by this antidepressant research.